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Why Use the JP Morgan Chase Procurement Card?
Simplifies the purchasing process - faster ordering, direct contact with suppliers, faster delivery of product
Flexibility and control to meet deadlines
Great for internet purchases when purchase orders are not accepted
Applies to State and IFR funds
The State of New York greatly encourages the use of the P-Card
General Information
Assigned to specific state account(s)
Assigned to an individual - NOT a department
Training is mandatory - must certify and reconcile all active months and keep supporting documentation for six years plus the current year
Travel, meals and alcoholic beverages prohibited - Exception - Wegmans, Chartwells and Panera mandatory for food purchases ONLY
Cannot purchase restricted items
Must order from a preferred source whenever possible
New York State is liable, not individual cardholders
Great to Use For
Mandatory for all goods and services less than $500
Orders under $4,999
Items on a centralized commodity ("P") contract
Maintenance/repairs of equipment
Supplies and materials
Film processing
Registration fees for conferences/seminars
Memberships, subscriptions
Shipping charges (UPS, Federal Express PS69557, DHL, etc.)
Approved trademark items
Online orders
Monthly Account Reconciliation
Reconcile each transaction with the online JP Morgan Chase statement each month
Reconcile and certify transactions in the SUNY Employee Services Web Portal
Forward the SUNY certified statement summary, JP Morgan Chase statement, and all original receipts (including detailed business purposes) to Procurement Services in Cleveland Hall 406
Reconciliation and certification must be completed within fourteen (14) days after the Web P-Card application becomes available
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